Paraguay Arts and Show


There are no traces of relevant artistic activities regarding the period preceding the arrival of the Spaniards. Only the Guaraní, some groups today identified with the mbayá – caduveo and some aruaca tribes how the guaná produced a pottery of good artistic level; however, the survival of these groups today makes it difficult to distinguish archaeological from ethnographic culture. In the sec. XVII-XVIII, with the colonization of the Jesuits, the so-called “Jesuit-Guaraní” architecture was established in which the colonial baroque was enriched with local contributions, visible above all in the ornamentation, due to the use of indigenous workers by the major architects such as B. Primoli and C. Frank. The suppression of the missions had the effect of ruining many of the buildings, including the beautiful Trinity Church in Trinidad (1745). Among the best preserved is the church of S. Rocco in Yaguarón. In the figurative field, the first artists of a certain importance emerge at the beginning of the twentieth century, following the teachings of two artists of Italian origin, Guido Boggiani and Héctor Da Ponte. However, it is only with the middle of the century that we witness the birth of a true modern pictorial movement, the “New Art”, among whose exponents Josefina Pla and José Laterza Parodi stand out. Between the 1960s and 1970s, two of the most important figures in the entire history of Paraguay’s art were established, Carlos Colombino (b. 1937) and Ricardo Migliorisi (b. 1948). Later, to get to the present years, artists are increasingly influenced by external suggestions, such as Enrique Careaga, Osvaldo Salerno, Olga Blinder, Ofelia Olmedo, Bettina Brizuela, Enrique Espínola. At the turn of the millennium, one of the most interesting currents is the “Art People”.


In the field of theater and entertainment, we must distinguish between the theater in Castilian and that in Guaraní. The first has always been from a bourgeois minority and has few authors: in addition to the aforementioned E. Fariña Núñez, L. Centurión, J. Pla and Roa Bastos, Luis Ruffinelli and Roque Centurión Miranda, collaborator of Josefina on various occasions, also contributed to it. Pla and founder of the Teatro del Popolo (1942) and the Municipal School of Dramatic Art of Asunción (1950). Much more lively and interesting is the spectacle in Guaraní, in which the literary texts themselves, music and dance of ancient popular tradition play a major role. The first promoters were Francisco Barrios and Julio Correa, who founded a company (with his wife as the first actress) and represented his own or other people’s texts in the indigenous language throughout the country. with great and lasting successes. Shows of this kind are still practiced and applauded, and disseminated through cinema, radio and television, also because a certain folkloric indigenism does not displease the demagogic nationalism of the rulers. It should be added that the activity of excellent folklorists and scholars of local traditions contributes not a little, including Reinaldo Dacoud Larrosa, author of the modern spelling system that allows you to transcribe Guaraní texts, León Cadogan, O. Ferreiro, M. Bertoni, M Samaniego and others. It can be said that in no other Latin American country is there such abundant literature in an indigenous language. also because a certain folkloric indigenism does not displease the demagogic nationalism of the rulers. It should be added that the activity of excellent folklorists and scholars of local traditions contributes not a little, including Reinaldo Dacoud Larrosa, author of the modern spelling system that allows you to transcribe Guaraní texts, León Cadogan, O. Ferreiro, M. Bertoni, M Samaniego and others.

According to thesciencetutor, it can be said that in no other Latin American country is there such abundant literature in an indigenous language. also because a certain folkloric indigenism does not displease the demagogic nationalism of the rulers. It should be added that the activity of excellent folklorists and scholars of local traditions contributes not a little, including Reinaldo Dacoud Larrosa, author of the modern spelling system that allows you to transcribe Guaraní texts, León Cadogan, O. Ferreiro, M. Bertoni, M Samaniego and others. It can be said that in no other Latin American country is there such abundant literature in an indigenous language. Bertoni, M. Samaniego and others. It can be said that in no other Latin American country is there such abundant literature in an indigenous language. Bertoni, M. Samaniego and others. It can be said that in no other Latin American country is there such abundant literature in an indigenous language.

Paraguay Arts

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